On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jamie Honan generated: >In the end, the four turtles holding up the computer earth I believe they were elephants ;) -- jamesw "We're like sisters... with really different hair!" -- Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer ------------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/ More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug
- [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know assembly Jamie Honan
- Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know ass... Jeff Waugh
- Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know... Jobst Schmalenbach
- Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know ass... James Wilkinson
- Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know... Terry Collins
- RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know ass... John Wiltshire
- RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know... Umar Goldeli
- Re: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know... Terry Collins
- RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know ass... Patrick Kelso
- RE: [SLUG] To write good perl, you should know ass... Jill Rowling