; The moment you find this to be the case, is the moment you should go out
; and compile the GNU toolchain for your platform.

I don't like this argument. This often isn't an option.

; All these portability problems go away once everyone is using the GNU command

IMO, it's better (and less effort) to adopt an approach that works
everywhere, then you'll never be nastily surprised. You can't install
fileutils on every unix box in the world (a lot which aren't running

; I mean, why should all these companies employ someone to maintain `ls' (or
; similiar) when a better, free version is already available.

; There are quite a few useful things that `traditional' programs don't do.

yes, and you can usually combine them to _make_ them do it.

; I'm not arguing that every program needs to be updated all the time (look
; at patch/diff, very few updates) but GNU find is too valuable to not have
; on every machine.

I disagree. I've never been in a situation with respect to (find-ish
tasks) that I couldn't overcome by using the standard 7th Edition

; Don't leave Linux without it (tm).

Too bad if you're using Solaris or AIX or BSD or ... 


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