Is anyone running an ATAPI IDE CDROM in an Intel 440BX2 Motherboard running
Linux ?

Its funny how since I changed my motherboard over a few months ago, my CDROM
is no longer recognised when the kernel boots, yes it works in Windows.

The strange thing is, I'm running Redhat 6.2, the CDROM is bootable, and it
will install Linux with no problems with the CDROM, but when you reboot, it
detects the harddisks I have, then stalls for about 5 seconds scanning the
rest of the IDE bus for devices, then continues on without detecting the
CDROM, very odd. Its definately motherboard related, I think I'm running P22
BIOS which was the latest last time I looked. I never had this problem with
my previous motherboard.

Its not a huge deal, my main fileserver has Its CDROM NFS'd out. just a


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