From: George Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Great thanks, that's the kind of info I'm looking for.
>I was also thing about one big UPS connected to the Linux box 
>(notice the
>CAPITAL for respect) which will remotely notify the other servers to
>shutdown if needed.
>I've seen info on that somewhere and wondering if any smart 
>UPS will work OK
>for this feature and if the NT boxes could remotely detect the network
>message too or would I need to write my own...

Our Smart-UPS is connected to an NT box (via serial cable) which runs a
stack of scripts when it gets the "shutdown" message to cleanly shut down
any other box on the UPS which needs it.  I'm assuming the same would work
for Linux although it would probably be a lot easier to set up (given the
relative difficulty of scripting on NT compared to Linux).  You should be
able to set up a command to shut down the NT boxes from the Linux machines
(just a guess there because you can shutdown NT remotely from NT).

Sorry I'm not too much help - just the APC UPS is one of the things that
requires the least maintenance on our network and makes our uptimes *much*
happier.  We had to hack up a power board to plug into the back of it (6xIEC
connectors) so we could run the assorted gear in the racks, but it really
was not a big deal.

John Wiltshire

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