On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 01:22:44PM +1000, Rick Welykochy wrote:
> Maybe us open source zealots should eat a bit of humble pie
> and admit that the Cathedral model (for example MS/IE 
> or Netscape) does work better than the Bazaar in some cases.
> Let's see, Mozilla have been at it how long? 2 1/2 years?
> MS managed to usurp the entire browser market in the same time :(

Nah. IMO I don't think it's a failure... I just think that the mozilla
team should've built a web browser and not a web browser, mail and
news reader, irc client and god knows what else. They should've built
a solid core and put in hooks for the rest so that they can be added in
as modules.

This would've let them bring out a web browser faster and I could dump
that hunk of shite called netscape sooner.

It'd also prolly have a far smaller footprint then it does now.

Ahh well...


        'He had position, but I was determined to score.'
                -- Worf, DS9, Season 5: 'Let He Who Is Without Sin...'

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