At some point around Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 06:59:20PM +1100, James Wilkinson said:
> On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] generated:
> >I've grabbed hold of from aarnet. This is Sorenson/QDMC.
> >
> >How to watch it ? xanim 2.80 does not (at least from the default load).
> >
> >Running debian 2.2, what are my options ?
> Zero.
> The sorenson codec is not being released by apple for *anything*, so you
> need the quicktime 4 viewer from the site. The author of
> xanim does write modules for xanim under NDA, but apple refuse to
> license it. Or apple are prevented from licensing it due to their own
> licensing. The bottom line is you unfortunately need 'doze to view
> Crocktime movies.
> Has anyone used the qt4 player under wine/win4lin?
Used would be a bit strong. I tried to run it though ;-) It was
about as happy as a stormtrooper being chased by an ewok (to
keep with the starwars theme ;) )
> OTOH, I know the movie you are referring to, when I got it, there were 4
> .qt files in the same directory. If you xanim troop*.qt then they
> splice together and are in fact the same as the .mov, only in the
> supported old qt format.
I have to admit to watching it on a mac... The mac in question
was hooked up to a 40 inch plasma screen at the time tho, which
I think justifies it ;-)
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