You can add to that list swatch.

I think for what you seem to be wanting then a bit of cron, awk work might
be wanted.  You need to determine:
what is the CPU usage threshold
how frequently are you going to sample it
how long are you going to allow it to over limit before it triggers

LANNet Computing Associates <>

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Dave Kempe wrote:

> Hey sluggers,
> Wondering if anyone has decent recommendations on monitoring software.
> I'm trialing mon, spong, bandmin and looking at mrtg and big brother atm.
> I know they all have different usages, and i have a few different needs, so
> i guess I'll end up with more than one of those that become useful. One
> thing I need to monitor right now, is a CPU usage threshold. I have qpage
> setup to page/sms stuff ok i think, I just need to trigger it. I have dug
> into the above packages, not sure which one is easiest to say set a rule
> that says; If cpu exceeds x% for y time then send alert.
> The modules that come with some of the best candidates above don't seem to
> say that.
> Is there anything out there I can use for this sort of rule? Is it easy to
> write a custom daemon that does it? Or is it an inherently flawed way - ie
> to intensive itself?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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