> It seems VA Linux have also discovered the one true way of
> Linux. They're now shipping Debian on there servers as well as Redhat :)
> Supposedly the first hardware vendor to support Debian.

They're smart cookies it seems.

Not sure about shipping, but they've certainly been Debian people for some
time - they used to have a FrankenSlink CD; basically a combo slink/potato
distro that had all the boring "stability" pros of slink and the interesting
updated software pros of potato.

Obviously, there is a great deal of misunderstanding out there, and we
should clean up the situation. What Debian needs is a good dose of e- and i-
prefixes, a full reimplementation of something-or-other to take advantage of
the POWER OF XML, and then a market-flood of hardly-differing,
loosely-defined versions for every market segment (including the
difficult-to-target 16-24 year old male geek demographic - maybe an X-Files
edition, or a Dinner with Cate competition).

Interesting statistic in August's Linux Journal: The percentage of Linux
servers found by Netcraft (850,000) that Apache reported as Debian boxes was
a lowly 9%. Red Hat, meanwhile, was way up at 72%.

I've been told that "it's all the same in the end". 8)

- Jeff

Posting in Outlook Express, to see how the other half lives.
(Statistics not available.)

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