The way I see this is, that MS is testing the GPL water with a relatively
small investment (at least small for MS). Naturally they will want to get MS
products running on Linux.

Even though that will get people upset I think it is a good thing, because
we then get an opportunity to offer Linux as a desktop operating system
alternative to WIN, because most people do not give a hoot about what OS
they are running as long as it has a GUI and Linux has no shortage of that
(as we all know) and as along as it runs the generally accepted Office
packages, which (unfortunately) are mostly WORD and EXCEL. I also would
prefer them running none-MS products. However one needs be realistic, that
most decision makers in businesses are affected by the MS hipe and therefore
perceive MS to be the "better" solution and often choose MS products over
others against the better advise of their computing specialists, even though
other (incl. desktop) applications are better in relality.

However on the other hand it gives us the opportunity to directly compare MS
with other products on the same platform. I see that as a advantage as long
as those other products actually are able to compete in function and

So my suggestion to the other Linux office suite developers (if there's any
listening) is: Pullup your socks. Now is the time to market your product.
And it needs to be marketed as a total solution including the OS (Linux) and
it needs to be able to easily handle (open and close and create MS .doc and
.xls files). Pricewise there is a lot of scope for a good package, because
you will be competing with MS not only with the other Linux office suite

Bernhard Luder
ICQ 26070583

P.S. Now shoot me down in flames.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, 17 October 2000 07:59
Subject: [SLUG] MS Linux gets closer

Whilst not directly releasing its own distribution
Microsoft may use its recent deal with Corel to
"ease itself into the open source community" according
this article by the National Post Online

Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

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