On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 09:32:16PM +1100, Angus Lees wrote:
> \begin{Peter Rundle}
> > I've been asked by my um...friend whether they could run Linux with
> > a graphical web browser on an old Toshiba laptop (Pentium 90 with 
> > 20meg of ram).
> X will run fine. no need to skimp, just keep it simple. don't do a big
> fancy 24bit colour background. don't run a zillion gnome-panel applets
> and drag-and-drop layers.
My last machine was a P90 with 16M, and it coped with X and fvwm2 just fine.
(My current machine is a P133 with 32M, and it runs gnome, but I digress)

As for browsers, you might just have to stick with netscape if you want
graphics, although it could be worth looking into netscape3.  The only other
browser that springs to mind is amaya (http://www.w3.org/Amaya/), which is
fairly light and doubles as an html editor, but I wasn't too impressed with
it.  Alot of the time it put things in strange places, and messed the layout
of a page.

> netscape always runs slow. it will run even slower. text browsers in
> an xterm work fine. links (not lynx) supports mouse, etc if that
> improves it any.
Won't links do that in a console with gpm?

Incidentally, why XFree 4?  Is it really faster than 3?  What other
differences are there?


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