Kevin Waterson wrote:
> The bank is the National Australia Bank but
> I am willing to change if this can be done
> from linux.
> Anyone with any knowlege of this, I would
> like to hear from you

I don't know how it works for Business connections, but for National
Personal Internet banking 

1) It's windows 9X/NT 4 only.  

2) It uses 1024 Bit RSA and 3DES (secure!) but stores the certifactes
and keys in your netscape user directory in what appears to plaintext
(not secure!)

I sent them off a few customer feedback email earlier today - I got a
letter this morning explaining it will now cost me 60 cent to find out
how much money I using phone/internet banking.*   So I finally was
motivated enough to tell them what a crap service they offer, and ask
when they plan to support linux.

I sugest everyone here who may be interested in using internet banking
goes to and asks about linux -
if they see enough interest, they may do something about it.

* Tertiary/Graduate Student account, not sure about other accounts.  I
should also mention that the first $12 a month are free, but I suspect
they will begin to reduce this amount over time.  And $1.50 non-national
ATM fee, not covered in the $12.... 

Account balance please.
> Ten Dollars and twenty eight cents.
That can't be right!   Check it again!
> Nine dollars and sixty eight cents
Huh?  But youjust said...
> Nine Dollars and but eight cents

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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