On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Michael Lake generated:

>Why can't I get Linux to do what I want Monday morning?


>If I "chown root:dosusers dos" or "chgrp dosusers dos" I
>chgrp: dos/: Operation not permitted

DOS filesystems and ownerships are like oil and water.  No, bad analogy,
water and oil are both useful.

Anyway, because you can't store ownerships in the filesystem, chown and
friends die.

>1. dosusers is a valid group as /etc/group has:
>2. users could, if the permissions were correct, write to it
>as etc/fstab has: 
>"/dev/hda1  /dos  vfat user,rw 0 0" 

What you want here is a gid=502 or something, check the manpage to
mount, look under the vfat/msdos fs options.  This will mount the fs
under that user, and everything under it will be owned by that user.

This way the ownerships are done at the VFS for the whole fs, and not
inside the fs as chown was trying to do.

Sure, I subscribe to USENET, but I only get it for the articles.

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