On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] generated:

>Thanks Colin for the suggestion. But, rsh will be a handy option if I am puttin
>the configuration on one remote machine. But, i have a scenarion where the
>remote machines may increase or decrease. I am picking up the Ip address and th
>machine names at run time from the oracle database, and then telnetting on each
>of them to do run some commands. Could you tell me any alternative in this
>context ?

er, using rsh or ssh in the exact same way as you think you want to use
telnet.  just like Colin said.

Write a script to do what you want.

$ scp script newhost:script
$ ssh newhost script

will copy the script to the new host and then attempt to run it.

For the examples you gave, something like

$ ssh newhost ls

would do just what you want.

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