On Thu, 02 Nov 2000, George Vieira generated:

>I have a script which runs in a CGI and outputs a CVS type file. The content
>type is for an Exel spreadsheet and it seems to load up on the clietn
>browser but Exel loads up the CVS data as 1 cell for line instead of
>splitting the cells into columns.


Oh... C_S_V..

$ grep csv /etc/mime.types
text/comma-separated-values                             csv

How are you loading the data in to Excel?  saving the output of the cgi
to a file?  excel reading the url itself?

I'd always inported the csv file using the Import function, you go thru
some dialogs to specify how your data is living in the file.

Does this question qualify for "George's shout after the next SLUG meet"? :)

Sure, I subscribe to USENET, but I only get it for the articles.

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