We're  trying to set up a website that will allow patients with a known
diagnosis (as from a visit to their GP) to access natural remedies using
their diagnosis as a starting point. We've worked out the details of the
site architecture and would like to implement it entirely using shareware
(has a lot in common with the philosophy of natural remedies). My knowledge
of webdesign using mysql-php-apache is limited though I've so far managed to
set up the databases. 

Would anybody with a knowledge of developing web sites using
mysql-apache-php (either in whole, or piecemeal) like to join us in this
project. A few of us have gotten together and sorted out the medical issues.
If you are interested please drop me an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or call 0412 992 117


Abbey Perumpanani M.D Ph.D

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

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