Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Last month we went to Mamma's Kitchen after the meeting, and it was a pretty
> good change from the usual House of Boiled Television Entrails. The only
> annoying thing was the time it took for them to serve us, but I think we can
> recitfy that easily enough. :)
> So, would everyone be happy with that again? 

No actually. I left 1/2 my pasta, so did Jill and i noticed that others
did as well at our table. It was the most stodgy pasta I have ever had.
Just could not get it down it was so bad. The sauce was bland and that
didn't help either. OK the gelato was good but thats because its was
made by someone else.

Any other opinions on the pasta?

Michael Lake
Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.
Safety Convenor, Australian Speleological Federation
Owner, Speleonics (Australia)

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