less /usr/share/doc/php4/copyright

First off, there's an acknowledgement (advertising) clause, plus, the Zend
engine is licenced under the QPL. I'm sure you can find a few descriptions
of the QPL around the place. :)

The Zend engine is specially licenced to the PHP Association (couldn't they
come up with something cooler like PHP Confederate, PHP Pals, or...?) and
cannot be separated under the same licence.

This is the trouble with licence mish-mashing. Turning your code into a
legal mindfield isn't a great way to bring on the patches.

Now to Dean's email...

<quote who="Dean Hamstead">

> Licensing is a full topic. But just because its no gpl compatable
> doesnt mean it requires a license. 

What does that sentence mean?

> Its not hard to break "compatability" with GPL considering how open
> GPL is (well, it keeps things open, the BSD licenses tend to give
> more freedom)

The GPL offers a framework for freedom, whilst the BSD licence offers an
escape. Choose your poison. :) At the risk of scaring some Libertarians, my
lefty insides love having a framework - that's why the GPL appeals to me.

I'm surprised the strongly Libertarian amongst us haven't swarmed for the
BSD licence. Perhaps it's an offshoot of the American requirement to negate
any association with Communism when doing something for the public good.


- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

    Ye shall be cursed to fall in love so easily, and yet be so cold of     
                       heart as never to express it.                        

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