<quote who="John Ryland">

> I read a funny review the other day and thought you guys might like it too
> http://www.pablotron.org/reviews/nautilus-PR2/

That has to be one of the funniest reviews I've read in a long time... Not
*quite* what I think, but definately entertaining.

It's a worry when people take this sort of stuff seriously though - I wish
people who feel the need to complain about pre-release Free Software would
either get off their butts and HACK or shut up and use something else. :)

> Is anyone using Nautilus?

I've downloaded, compiled and used PR2... and PR1 before that.

> What's it like, should I bother switching to it yet from gmc on my 366 at 
> home?

Not now, not now! It will only piss you off if you expect it to be top
quality software. It's really built on sand at the moment - most of the
crucial libraries it uses are changing every day, which results in some
serious problems.

You still can't run PR2 and Evolution on the same system without awkward
hackery because Evolution still uses an older Bonobo.

Nautilus will rock, but for entirely different reasons to most of the Unixy
software we're used to. Lots of people will hate it, lots will be amazed at
the neatness and cleverness of its interface.

In the mean time, if you want to play with a cool file manager, try and find
a tarball of EFM. There are some really funky UI ideas in it, and it works
quite well... for software that was never officially released and has since
been stripped out of CVS. ;)

I think I have debs lying around in my apt cache if anyone's interested in
playing with it. ObLinux.conf.au: Raster's talking about all this sort of
stuff, including hardware accelerated canvases, etc. Wacky.

- Jeff [ looking sideways at the @trolltech.com email domain... ;) ]

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