> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Jason Rennie wrote:
> > I have a question.
> > 
> > Many people complain about the lack of support from most ISP's regarding
> > linux. 
> For most of us, the question is not particularly one of linux support.
> It's two parts:
> First: If something goes wrong, can the guy at the other end interpret
> diagnostics so that I as a user can fix it
> Second: will the tech support simply say "you aren't using winXX so we
> refuse to talk to you"

that's right.  I don't know if Jason was talking generally or what
but my support call to AAPT was not about linux but as soon as I
said I was using linux the response was "we don't support linux".
I don't need tech support from my ISP on configuring/using linux
but do expect tech support on using them to connect to the internet.

So AAPT have clueless tech support (who are limited to suggesting
rebooting the machine) and they won't talk to you if you are using

Those complaints (plus the fact they don't notify their customers of
any changes to their system that might affect their customers or
in fact keep you informed of anything) were my beef with AAPT.


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