>> Paul Gortmaker got it down to 896 kB I think. That URL is now broken.
>This is mentioned on your links page (and Paul Gortmaker seems to have
>vanished, Google turns up about 3 mentions of him I think). Been meaning
>to ask if you knew how he went about this? Was this a fully functional
>version of Linux (including networking stuff I'm mainly thinking about),
>or something more restricted like ELKS?

It was a standard Linux, but it was 1.2 something I think and he applied
all the memory saving patches he could to slim it down. It was a mine is
smaller than yours sort of contest.

However this sort of game does have educational purposes. Embedded Linux
is one area where memory footprint matters. However these days the
emphasis is on smaller libraries and executables, e.g. ulibc originally
from the uCLinux project, and busybox (swiss-army-knife utility) from
the Debian installation disk.

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