Further to my earlier post:

> One package, 9menu, is in an unconfigured state because the post install
> script fails.  The package is not important it was suggested originally
> as a useful adjunct to the lwm window manager.  I can't configure it
> with dpkg --configure because of the script failure and I can't purge it
> with dpkg -P again because of a script failure.  How can I remove it?
> Does any one know if the package is faulty from (say) cse.unsw or is it
> more likely that the scripts were corrupted in the download?

I did a find and discovered the files /var/lib/dpkg/info/9menu.postinst
and /var/lib/dpkg/info/9menu.prerm which I have attached.  Can anyone
tell me what is wrong with them?

> The second problem concerns X.  Three packages are listed as ic by
> dpkg --list | less
> they are xbase-clients, xdm and xf86setup.  As I understand it i tells
> me that they are to be installed and the c stands for config files but
> what does this mean?  Were the packages not downloaded for the lack of
> some config files or were they just not installed?  What steps must I
> take to complete the installation?

It's actually 9 packages now after playing with dselect.  An edited
version of the result of doing
dpkg --list > installed.pkgs
is attached.  I notice that some of the packages are designated
"3.3.6-11" and some "4.0.1-8".  During the upgrade there was some error
message to the effect that xserver-s3 (and some other packages) were
being "held back".

Should I downgrade the 4.0.1-8 packages to 3.3.6-11 and if so how?



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