
I will heed to be getting a bunch of new external devices over the next
couple of months, and was wondering how firewire stacks up against
SCSI.  I would rather not invest in something which is to be obscelete
in 6 months (former Amstrad owner here...).

Firewire compares quite favourable with SCSI devices in terms of price.
(Am I wrong on this?  Is there a reason for this?)  How well is it
supported by Debian / Linux?  How well does it perform, especially when
you start a bit of chaining?

Anyone's experience or a pointer to a good review would be much


PS - To any multia owners out there.  The onboard SCSI device on a
multia is SCSI-II, is it not?  Also, does anyone know where you can pick
up internal/external SCSI adapters, as neither Jaycar (Gore Hill) or
Harris have them...

Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it did not help
rabbit much
-- R.E. Shay

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