On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, John Clarke wrote:

> >  # pass names that still have a host to a smarthost (if defined)
> >  R$* < @ $* > $*     $: $>95 < $S > $1 < @ $2 > $3   glue on smarthost name
> Corection.  This is actually inside Parse1.  Ruleset 0 calls Parse0,
> then ruleset 98, then Parse1.  Ruleset 98 is the place to put all your
> local hacks. This can be done with `LOCAL_RULE_0' and `LOCAL_RULESETS'
> in the .mc file.

Yes I saw this when I did some more hunting and reading of the bat book.

> Anyway, it doesn' help.  Ruleset 0 works on the *recipient's* address.
> If I understand correctly, you want to change the delivery based on the
> sender's address.

Yep, thats why I suggested adding something to the to domain.

> A simpler alternative is to modify the recipient's addresses when you
> want to relay via a different host.  To send to `user@domain' via
> `relay', try `user%domain@relay'.  I've tested it here and it seems to
> work OK, but only if `relay' will relay mail from your IP address. Be
> careful you don't create an open relay for spammers to exploit.

You know when I was looking at the rule that glued on the smart host name I
thought to myself that it looked like it was just adding the smart host onto
the end of the address, I just could not understand it enought to see what
it was really doing.

Well done John, problem solved. Thats a really handy thing being able to pick
your relay.

Who ever thought sendmail would be so easy!


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