This one time, at band camp, CaT said:
>On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 09:23:53PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'm also lead to believe that my mutt configuration is allowing me to
>> type out very lengthy lines. Rather annyoing for the recipients. Is
>> there a setting I should be using or just stop typing excessive long
>> paragraphs?
>Yes. The Enter key. :)
>Failing you not having one, the fmt command with vim is nice. :)

In my .muttrc:

set editor='vim '+/$' -c "set tw=72"'  # go to first blank line and set
line width to 72 chars

(ps, sorry cat for the personal reply, remember kids, don't drink and
drive your email client)

     * dpkg ponders: 'C++' should have been called 'D'
(o_ '           -- #Debian

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