> I've tried it on RH6.2 and it is a lot more stable and generally better
> but has a couple of nasty bugs. Any dialog/form that you enter a "."
> into
> gets converted into "%A9" which makes it really really hard to put
> your e-mail address into a form. Java Script still doesn't work for
> quite
> a lot of pages and the java plugin doesn't want to load, didn't have any
> luck with installing a new theme either.

I havent seen the dot thing, and javascript seems ok for me.
I turn java off anyway =) If you need java netscape 6 is pretty much
moz 0.6 + java (ready set flame)

> Otherwise it's pretty quick. It renders pages like /. yahoo and SMH
> really really fast. Click on a link on one of these sites and the new
> page is there in like a second.

I think the old netscape waited for images and stuff. Moz works like
IE rendering as it goes. 

> Hopeless on sites with large jpg backgrounds, NS4.75 is pretty quick
> on such a page ( 1-2 secs) but Mozilla 0.6 paints the background down
> slooowwwwlllyyyy...

Some people would say that accomidating large backgrounds isnt a good
But i like how it tiles what it has and the tile spreads. very cool.

> The MUA is great. Does what I want which is allows me to combine pop
> and Imap mail boxes and change the from user (which it does
> automatically
> depending on which account you are currently in). I'm gonna start using
> it for this feature alone.

I must say the mail client is good. I would like to see rule based 
mail routing when you send email. That would be cool
(eg. if to *@hotmail.com send through x.x.x.x, if to @slug.org.au

> Looking forward to 0.7,
> (I must say though since I upgraded to NS4.75 the memory leaks and
> crashes seemed to have been a lot fewer).

Is still hogs though.... and the leaks are noticable.

I think people should try it though. Its damned fine, and you can just
copy your old plugins right in without any fuss.

BONG: http://www.bong.com.au
ICQ: 16867613

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