i am just wondering if anyone could guess what framerate i should be
getting in quake 3 demo with.

800x600 all settings on the lower end.

celeron 633
96mb of ram
tnt2 m64

with a voodoo2 which i borrowed  i got about 20-30fps on average and with
the new vid card(tnt2m64)  i get the same.. is this right.

i have a faint suspision that i have a buggy driver as i have seen a few
other strange happenings but i just want to make sure that all the
hardware is functioning correctly b4 i start anything drastic.

thanks alot


 |u never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night |
 |to write.  -- Saul Bellow                                             |
 |                                                                      |
 |Try to relax and enjoy the crisis. -- Ashleigh Brilliant              |
 |                                                                      |
 |If life is hard to stand- Try kneeling;                               |

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