I've sent a request to cornerstone, thanks for the link. I just tried
getting it going using win2000, worse results than linux...

Regards, Mehmet

 On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, DaZZa wrote:

> Extremely unlikely. The Cornerstone web site has drivers for the IA2 for
> WindoZe 3.1, 95, NT 3.51/40. and OS/2 2.11 and 3.0, as well as BIOS
> updates. Gertting these things working under WindoZe is difficult at best.
> Getting them running under X is most likely impossible.
> As far as I can tell, not even Metro-X supports this card, so I'm guessing
> you're shit out of luck.
> DaZZa
> P.S. Cornerstone is at http://www.bigmonitors.com - maybe you can send a
> product request and ask.

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