Rick Welykochy wrote:
> I have had monitor colour guns blow out on three separate occassions
> using two separate monitors, using X. (One monitor was repaired and the
> blue gun blew six months later).
> Admittedly, the two monitors in question are 4-5 years old, so the problem
> might just be monitor age.
> I am wondering if incorrect settings in X for the scan/refresh rate can
> cause this?

Certainly can. If you specify and hsysc and vsync rate faster than your
monitor can scan then it will run hot (Jill informs me its the line
output transistors) and so eventually they will fail - new monitor time
I manually set my values in XF86Config file but went by my monitors

> Also, it's time to purchase a new monitor. Anyone know if flat screens
> are common yet ... and cheap? Are they worth it?

Well I have seen some and they look very good but they are very pricy.
If you are really short on desk space (esp depth) or you want
portability I would say that they are now worth it. I have a 17"
Trinitron Multiscan 200GS here at home and Jill has a trinitron as well
(~ $1200). Having looked at Trinitrons I will stick with them. They are
really very crisp and clear with better contrast (like black is really
black). I think they are better value for money than LCD if you don't
have desk-depth probs.

Michael Lake
Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.
Safety Convenor, Australian Speleological Federation
Owner, Speleonics (Australia)

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