<quote who="Jeff Waugh">

> So, I upgraded from 2.4.0-test12 to 2.4.0, and now Apache dies like this:
>   [emerg] (28)No space left on device: could not call shmget
> Great, huh?

Problem resolved, and it seems the only person on the planet who was able to
help me was... Alan Cox.

Here's proof that Alan is a legend (if you needed proof at all): With only
the problem report that you read in my earlier email, thousands of miles
away, no direct contact, and second hand information, he wondered if I was
running Powertweak.

Nail. Head.

Not only do I have to buy a beer for Alan, but a whole swathe of other
people coming out to linux.conf.au who've made my work and play that much
funner (I reserve the right to use incorrect grammar when talking about

Who would other SLUGgers buy beers for? What has impressed or helped you
enough to force a VB into a friendly hackers hand? Doesn't have to be a
linux.conf.au attendee, although you'll have to send one by air freight
otherwise. ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

      "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful       
       configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm       

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