Hey All,

Wondering if you could tell me how to get icq to accept file transfers on a
windows machine through a Redhat 7.0 firewall/ip router. I know this ipmasq
statment but its not supported under redhat 7.0 so i need to find a way to
do it with redhat 7.0.

ipmasqadm  autofw -A -r tcp 32001 32050 -h <IP Add of Windows box>

If someone could tell me how i might do this under redhat 7.0 i would be
greatfull. Also if anyone knows where i might find the RPM for IP_MASQ_ICQ
could you please tell me as well.



Ryan McBride (MCSE)
Excelerate Computer Services
Ryan: 0413-984-819
Caine: 0414-628-445
Fax: 02-9972-1459

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