Hi all,

I've put forward Monday 22nd January as a meeting date close enough to the
conference to attract some of our "star" speakers. Given that most of the
SLUG committee (Anand, Conrad, Gus and myself) are working their butts off
to make the conference rock, I hope we can get some assistance from the
greater SLUG community.

Hopefully our usual location at UTS will be available as a venue for talks
and discussion, but the tough part is - as always - dinner afterwards.

If anyone can help arrange this, it would be greatly appreciated by both the
committee, and everyone who gets to participate. Suggestions very much
welcome... Please keep it on list for everyone. :)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

             make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.             

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