ge = generic perhaps?

generic tty?

m for modem?

modem generic teletype


Jill Rowling wrote:

> Well you've caught me out on that one. I figured that getty is just a get
> from a serial device but I didn't work out the "m" bit.
> Disclaimer: I have used modems a lot (even designed them) and Linux/Unix a
> lot but I don't use the two together much!
> TTY: Yes, teletype. I have used these beasts as the serial console in the
> dark ages. They were current loop interface, though, not RS-232. I think the
> name "tty" for the serial device stuck though as the Bell Labs people
> probably liked the TLA.
> Teletypewriter services are still offered by some organisations however you
> get a serial terminal / computer, not a clunky electromechanical teletype.
> I think if I were designing the interface from scratch, I might have called
> it /dev/ser rather than /dev/tty, but then I never worked for Bell.
> Regards,
> Jill.

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