On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 04:41:13PM +1100, Shaun Cronin wrote:

> The other piece of information is that squid will only start under the "squid"
> user. I am thinking that it may be some user/permission problem but not sure
> exactly what.

Could be the case.  Have a look in syslog for any error messages.  What
happens if you run squid manually from the command line?

I want squid to run with uid `nobody', so this is what I have in

su -l nobody -c "/opt/squid/bin/squid -Ds" &

`-D' tells squid to skip the DNS tests on startup.  I do this because
     our internet link probably isn't up yet.
`-s' tells squid to send debug level 0 messages to syslog.



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