> > No.  This is valid behaviour - its peforming a URI encoding.
> > Just NS4.x doesn't URI encode '.', but Mozilla 0.7 does.
> > Your CGI handlers should decode these automatically.
> Ok but when I try to login to a bunch of sites around the place I
> get errors about my login e-mail address being invalid. Given I
> don't manage the software on these boxes is there anything I can do?
> Is there an option in Mozilla to turn URI encoding off until these
> sites are URI enabled? Or am I stuck with using NS4.x to access
> these sites?

If for some reason the function is using the get method than you could
submit the data and force . to be a .

In theory all form data should be converted from %XX (hex?) format into
at some point. Most environments provide this for you (servelts do, php
does, CGI.pm
for perl does it). 

Use an older browser and complain to them =)

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