This one time, at band camp, Ken Foskey said:
>My hat goes in with Terry.
>I think that there is great scope for a newbies list.  This list should
>have predefined answers to 'which is the best distro' with input from
>each camp.  We KNOW that archives will not really work with newbies.

Hrm, I think the main SLUG list is good for newbies, what is being
suggested is SIGs for advanced users.

What you're really suggesting is a FAQ, and I'll wager that SLUG
maintaining a FAQ will be just replicating answers from official FAQs.

      "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using
(o_ ' Windows NT for mission-critical applications." 
//\   -- What Yoda *meant* to say, Devin L. Ganger, scary.devil.monastery

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