I've got a strange routing problem on my system:
3 boxes in a network plus a router, one system is a dialin server.
If I dial in and try to ping another box on the lan there is no reply
coming back to the ppp connection but if I ssh onto the server, I can
ping, access the other systems. Using tcpdump -i eth0 on the server while
pinging from the ppp connection shows the request is getting out to the
other system and it is replying - however the reply is not passed on to
the ppp connection (only gets as far as the eth0 connection)...... also, the ppp 
can access / ping the router and any other external system and any other
ppp connection.
The only thing a ppp connection cannot get replies from (although the
reply is reaching the dialin server) is the other two boxes on the lan.
Everything was OK this morning, routing table shows that the correct ip is
pointing to the ppp.pid, routing table must be working as requests to/from
the router are arriving safely.
I would prefer not to restart the server, any suggestions what to try
would be appreciated.

Regards, Mehmet

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