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linux install workshop
10:00am Saturday 24 February

we'll be setting up a new improved internet server for cat. you
can participate, or maybe bring your own machine to have linux
installed. recommended for people who have already played a bit
with linux. entry by donation at the door, or a commitment to help
cat. RSVP.

[where] indymedia centre, 17 lord st, st peters
[transport] Right opposite St Peters station, or catch a 422 bus from the
city. Map:

[contact] Matthew Arnison - please let me know if you are coming
[web address]

----\\ [the full rave] //----

The cat internet server runs active-sydney, along with many other
activist websites and mailing lists.

It is a PC running GNU/Linux, an alternative operating system to
Windows. GNU/Linux is free software, that's free as in free speech,
as well as free beer.

The current server has been running almost non-stop for about 4
years. But to get many new features that we want, and to improve
security, it's time we did an upgrade.

We've chosen debian 2.2 linux for installation. We'll be setting
up a new machine from scratch, to put online for a couple of weeks
before doing a changeover to become the live system. We also want
to try and write some documentation as we go along, about decisions
and ways of doing things.

Our main goal for the day is to get the install done and teach
people as part of that process, but if we can help others get their
systems installed, we'll do that too.

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