Hi Folks

I am having problems with a simple expect script.  The contents are

#!/usr/bin/expect -f 
set addy devmachine
set user devuser
set password PASSWORD

spawn telnet -l $user $addy

expect "user name:"
send "$user\r"

expect "password:"
send "$password\r"                  (1)

interact                             (2)

this works fine.  When I want to set up some environment variables and a
few other things between (1) and (2),

expect "devmachine:"   #looking for the command prompt
send "resize\r"

the script always logs on ok, then it stalls for about 10 seconds with
the message of the day followed by

after this annoying pause I eventually get the command prompt without
any of my commands being run.  I have tried putting a sleep 3 between
(1) and (2) but it doesnt seem to help.

Can someone please suggest how I might fix this.



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