This one time, at band camp, Mike Holland said:
>Dean, (and DaZZa too!)
>please fix your .procmailrc by adding:
>       # Discard duplicate messages
>       :0 Wh: msgid.lock
>       | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
>Oila! No more duplicate messages.

Ba-bow.  If you procmail slug as I do, this doesn't work when the
personal mail arrives first.  The one with the slug headers goes to the
bit bucket and you get half the slug list in your inbox, which defeats
the purpose of procmailing in the first place.

bits from .procmailrc:
* List-Id:.*

* ^List-Id:.*

Best is to use mutt, tell it that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a mailing list,
and use 'L' for list-reply.  Even better is remapping the reply key to
listreply, group reply or single reply based on which mailbox you're in,
which i don't have an example for, it's next on the list of things to do
when i've got a moment.

bits from .muttrc:
send-hook '~t ^slug@slug\.org\.au$' 'my_hdr Reply-To: slug'

If you aren't using mutt, use a bit of nettiquette and take the time to fix
your headers manually before sending.

      "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using
(o_ ' Windows NT for mission-critical applications." 
//\   -- What Yoda *meant* to say, Devin L. Ganger, scary.devil.monastery

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