To find out which process is listening on a port, use fuser, e.g.: [root@dropbear ~]# fuser -n tcp 53 53/tcp: 17479 [root@dropbear ~]# ps ax|grep 17479 17479 ? S 0:29 named -u named Cheers, John -- "Every time I have to pipe something into awk I get this mental picture of a big fat seagull with stdin connected at the wrong end." -- Arthur van der Harg -- SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - More Info:
- [SLUG] Security Breach Sean Carmody
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach Umar Goldeli
- RE: [SLUG] Security Breach Bernhard Lüder
- RE: [SLUG] Security Breach Umar Goldeli
- RE: [SLUG] Security Breach Adrian Chiang
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach kevin
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach Scott Howard
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach John Clarke
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach Simon Bowden
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach Howard Lowndes
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach Dave Fitch
- Re: [SLUG] Security Breach Martin
- RE: [SLUG] Security Breach Sean Carmody