Alexander Else wrote:
> i registered a while ago for linuxexpo and got an email about it today.  it
> had a single line saying it was from info salons, and a word attachment with
> about 6 lines of text with no magical formatting or anything.

I also received the same email. I sent a reply to them this morning as

Dear Sir/Ms,

I wish to make some suggestions about your email. You sent a word
document when you only needed to send a single paragraph! That paragraph

> Subject: ITExpo/Comdex and NetWorld+Interop 2001
> ITExpo and NetWorld+Interop is on this week from Wednesday to Friday at
> Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour. 
> Over 350 leading IT companies showcasing the latest technology and solutions 
> for your business. 
> If you have not already received your free printed ticket simply register 
> on-line <> . 
> We look forward to welcoming you to Australia's largest IT&T event.
> Noel Gray

I do not use word. Many people do not use word. Many people in the Open
Source community that will be attending the IT expo do not use Word. I
have to save the document and open it elsewhere especially if I am
running Linux at the time. There is also the risk that it may contain a
virus whereas a plain text email does not have that risk. 

If you wish to communicate with people use the simplest and easiest way
to get you message across. They are morte likely to read your email if
the paragraph was immediately in front of them than if it's in a Word
file that they have to open. 

Best Regards, 
Dr Michael Lake

Dr Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02 9514 1628 

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