
Their "qrpff" program is a more compact cousin of the DeCSS utility that
eight movie studios successfully sued to remove from the website of 2600
Magazine. But unlike DeCSS, qrpff is abbreviated enough for critics of
the Motion Picture Association of America to include in, for example,
e-mail signature files -- and many already have. 

"I think there's some value in demonstrating how simple these things
really are and how preposterous it is                to try to restrict
their distribution," says Winstein, a 19-year-old MIT sophomore computer
science major. 

Winstein says it's folly for MPAA and its allies to try to restrict a
526-character program that can be handed out on business cards. "I'm
showing the humor in trying to call these seven lines on a piece of  
paper a device," he says. 

The probable spread of qrpff on business cards, on T-shirts, and bumper
stickers closely resembles the distribution of encryption code in
signature files and T-shirts a few years ago. Such civil disobedience
flouted U.S. export laws in a kind of global keep-away game. 

Programmer Adam Back managed to squeeze the RSA algorithm into just two
lines of Perl. 

                             The code takes advantage of a Perl command
called eval, which evaluates the program text when it is

                             In a brief filed last month, the Bush
administration sided with the movie industry against DeCSS, saying
                             that software is not speech-protected by
the First Amendment but can be regulated like parts to a
                             machine: "This function is entirely
nonexpressive, and thus does not warrant First Amendment

                             U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled last
August that DeCSS was like a "common-source outbreak
                             epidemic" that violated the law's
prohibition against circumventing copyright-protection technology. The
                             DMCA prohibits anyone from publishing or
publicly distributing any hardware or software that "is
                             primarily designed or produced for the
purpose of circumventing protection afforded by a technological
                             measure that effectively protects a right
of a copyright owner." 

                             2600, with the help of the Electronic
Frontier Foundation, has appealed its loss. 

                             David Touretzky, a scientist in the
computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University who
                             testified for the defense, has included
qrpff in his gallery of DVD descramblers. The gallery is designed to
                             highlight the problem of dividing computer
code into expressive and functional categories: It includes
                             descramblers written in C, Scheme, English,
and even haiku. 

                             Last month, the MPAA demanded that
Touretzky take down his page. He responded: "I would like to
                             know if it is the intent of the MPAA to
exert editorial control over scholarly publications by computer
                             science faculty that deal with DeCSS, and
if so, exactly which sort of publications will the MPAA permit
                             in the future, and which sort will result
in legal threats such as your letter of yesterday." 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>


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