On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 11:54:05PM +1100, Ken Yap wrote:
> >>    echo foo | sed 's/$/|/' | tr '|' '\015'
> >> 
> >> assuming | doesn't appear in the text. Or maybe some control character
> >> that doesn't confuse ash. Works for me with ^A.
> >>
> >
> >alas, no tr on tomsrtbt...    deeply depressing
> What version of tomsbtrt is this? I seem to remember he adopted busybox
> and tr should be a trivial function to implement. Yes, I'm quite sure tr
> is in busybox, at least the version in floppyfw.

I'm using a reasonably receint one. But to be sure I just tried
the latest on aarnet. It has busybox but not tr.

btw, thanks for the help on this Ken; 

why it's important to me:
I'm now teaching 6 Linux classes a week, and about 1/3 of the students
(30 or 40) do not have access to a Linux box to practice on or do there
homework on. 

So this week's lesson was making and using a tomsrtbt.
The idea being that they could practice using the commands and utilities
wherever they  and also mount a DOS floppy to practice using an editor.

If they  can add the \015's they will be able to print their work in the 
library or where ever they can find a box running one of those legacy
commercial OSs. 

If I carn't work aroun this I might have to make a custom tomsrtbt
with a tr.


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