So you ended up using avifile? Or can you use the windows dll's with xmps
as well?

As long as I don't have to physically *boot* that dirty OS, I'm more than
happy to use the DLL's.. :)


On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Umar Goldeli">
> > Fire it up, open a video.. and whammo.. I've got sound, but I've got no
> > video - no little playing screen, nothing..
> > 
> > The interface itself gets drawn etc.. but the video itself doesn't want to
> > play.. the sound's great though.. :)
> I had the same trouble with OpenDivX... I ended up copping out and using the
> Windows DLLs and the plugin for them (which worked quite well, but I'm told
> that OpenDivX does too when it behaves).
> I suck, but Office Space was very funny! ;)

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