I was looking at setting up a small mail / web domain
on linuxwebhost.com, with a webmail interface
to some POP mail boxes, but they don't offer
SMTP outgoing servers.  I'd like both POP and
webmail send/retrieve access to these boxes.
Obviously dialup POP access is ok, but sending from
the web mail interface??

So does anyone know of either
a) some sort of free SMTP server, I know these would be
open to abuse, but couldn't you get a free one which would
accept from certain domains/IP address.  The plan with
Linuxwebhost.com offers a real static IP.

b) a comparable host to linuxwebhost.com
i.e offers cheap domain registration and POP boxes
and some hosting.
And either a webmail interface, or ability to put up
a site with one I get off freshmeat?

Move this over to slug-chat if appropriate.

thanks all

'My Doctor says I have a malformed public-duty gland
and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I
am therefore excused from saving Universes'
Ford Prefect - Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

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