There is no valid reason for a question about religion.  In fact I seem to
recall from earlier censii that it was an optional question anyway.

"Religion ... is the opium of the people" - Karl Marx, Critique of the
Hegelian Philosophy of Right.

LANNet Computing Associates <>
   "...well, it worked before _you_ touched it!"

On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, David wrote:

> Call yourself jedi, chrisian or bullamacanken .. 'sup to you..  What
> pisses me off severely is anyone deliberately fucking up census just
> because it's the "governemnt" (even little johnies version). These same
> fools are the first to complain if the ambulance doesn't arrive, there are
> pot holes in the road or no schools. The census has a perfectly valid
> function.. even the "religion" entry, and fools advocating fucking it up
> just make me ANGRY.

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