I have 2 machines connected on a 10mpbs network (it still has some 10base2
cabling around, but these boxes are using 10baseT to a 10mbps hub).

Both boxes have RH7.0 installs with bog standard openssh and both boxen
have Realtek 8139 NICs.

I can ssh between the boxes in both directions OK, but if I scp between
the 2 boxes then the transfer stalls around 30-40Kb.

If I introduce a laptop onto the network, also with a 10mbps dongle and
plugged into the same hub, then I can scp between the laptop and either
box with no problems.

The question is in the subject line.

LANNet Computing Associates <http://lannetlinux.com>
   "...well, it worked before _you_ touched it!"

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