Hi everyone....

I run a debian box here [2.2.18pre21] masq'ing for three 95 machines
through a 56k dialup connection.

Everything was working fine.

About a month ago, I upgraded my kernel and swapped over to ipchains...

I made sure I had all the kernel options compiled in, had all the modules I 
needed and everything was set up correctly.

[If you'd like to see my ruleset, email me off list and I'll forward it to you]

However, since the upgrade, I'm finding very odd behaviour with file transfers.

If an external box [regardless of o/s] ftp's in and attempts a file transfer, the 
transfer starts and then just times out. Same with a user sending me 
something on icq, or a user connecting to apache to download a file [Normal
web browsing for them is fine].

This happens even after opening every port [0:65535] on all protocols to the 
host trying to send or get something from me... 

The transfers just seem to time out and die... An icq transfer which is now
working for no apparent reason isnt getting higher than 800 bytes/sec even
though there is nothing else going on here [No DoS attack, normal net use,

I've turned on logging for all connections to and from the external machine, 
nothing is denied or rejected, and tcpdump doesnt show anything going

It just plum dont work proper like it done used to.. [dangnabit!]

The charming people on irc.openprojects.com - #debian told me
to change a time out value [which I did, with no effect - 
ipchains -M -S 7200 10 60] and then assured me the problem 
was a rule over-riding my previous one. Unfortunately, this isnt 
the case. Though after pointing this out, they steadfastly ignored 
me.. ([sighs] Is it just me, or is irc always like this.. :( )

Sorry for my extended explanation, but well,  I figure supplying as
much information as I can has to be a good thing..  :)

So, can anyone offer any advice...?? I'm stuck, and getting very
frustrated, very quickly.. :) :) 

Thanks in advance!!


Anthony O'Hara

"My name is Retardo! God of schmuck..."

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
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