Alister Waller wrote:
> Hi,
> Redhat 6.2
> I am using LPR to print.
> If I send a print job to remote printer on a PC running a LP daemon the
> print job goes through fine. If I try and print to the local printer
> attached to the server by a parallel cable 9 times out of 10 the job seems
> to sit in the queue until I turn the printer off and on and then it prints.
> This is not specific to one system, I have 3 Linux machines all having the
> same problem.
> The printers are OKI Microlines in all cases.
> If I move one of the printers to a pc and print remotely then it prints
> fine.
> I just need some pointers as to what could be causing this and what to look
> for or change etc.

This is a common problem with windoze as well. It is occasionally caused
by an incompatibility between the machine settings and the printer. eg.
the machine set for "a4" and the printer expecting "letter". 

However, the most common cause of this problem is the parallel cable.
Some printer cables are designed to be bidirectional and some are not.
Try using a new parrallel printer cable.

Stay well and happy

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