<quote who="Alan L Tyree">

> I don't know if this is a "RH Sucks" issue or not.

No, this is a GNOME sucks issue; and I say that as a very involved GNOME
user and contributor. :)

> I upgraded a RH 6.x system to RH7 a while back. Just noticed that Gnumeric
> doesn't work now. I get a message "Gnumeric failed to find a suitable
> default font" and am asked to verify the gnome-print installation (checks
> out ok with rpm verify) and my fontmap file.

Some other things to try:

  Reinstall gnome-print. Getting rpm to go over it again helps.

  Make sure ghostscript-fonts is installed, and try reinstalling that too.

There are often issues with font installs on RH.

> BTW, I for one would like to see a "Debian for RH users" article.

I was going to write one when I first started really getting into Debian,
but I was well past remembering all the vagaries of my time with Red Hat.

There is already a lot of documentation out there, and you can certainly
learn a bucketload just by typing "debian <something>" into the SLUG
archives search box.


I honestly think the best way of finding out the details of the OS is to
have a few long-time users around to query.

Gus, K and Anand are to blame for my rapid early familiarity; and I've come
far enough to be leading others through. [ I'm attempting to get Telsa
hooked on Debian, but for all the fruity goodness of our favourite distro,
she's still loyal to the 'Hat. ;) ]

At the Macquarie installfest, I was really only doing Debian and GNOME
things all day; there was lots of interest, and lots of help. :)

- Jeff

     "They cosset us with trappings to shut us up. That way when we say     
     'sharecropper!' you can point to my free suit and say 'Shut up pop
                          star.'" - Courtney Love

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